Fáilte chuig Ionad Tacaíochta Oideachas an Chláir
Located in Ennis County Clare
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Your Education Support Centre
Tá tacaíocht tugtha ag Ionad Tacaíochta Oideachais an Chláir, ar a dtugtaí Ionad Múinteoirí Inse tráth, ón mbliain 1972, do riachtanais inseirbhíse múinteoirí an Chláir. Ó mhí Lúnasa 2000, cuireadh an tIonad i gcoimpléacs saintógtha nua ar Bhóthar Chill Rois, Inis.
Cuimsítear i bpríomhfheidhmeanna Ionad Tacaíochta Oideachais an Chláir riachtanas tacaíocht a thabhairt do riachtanais inseirbhíse an Stáit agus riachtanais shainaitheanta áitiúla a aithint agus a thacú freisin. Chuige seo, tá traidisiún láidir ag Ionad Tacaíochta Oideachais an Chláir i bhforbairt agus soláthar cúrsaí áitiúla agus tionscnaimh scoilbhunaithe.
Tá an tIonad mar chuid de ghrúpa de 21 Ionad Oideachais lán-aimseartha, agus naoi n-Ionad a oibríonn ar bhonn páirtaimseartha a dtugann an Roinn Oideachais agus Eolaíochta tacaíocht dóibh go príomha. Chomh maith leis na feidhmeanna thuasluaite, bhí Ionad Tacaíochta Oideachais an Chláir páirteach, le blianta beaga anuas, i dTionscnaimh Idirchultúrtha le hIonaid i dtíortha san Aontas Eorpach.
Clare Education Support Centre, formerly known as Ennis Teachers' Centre, has, since 1972, supported the in-service needs of Clare teachers. Since August 2000, the Centre has been located in a new purpose-built complex on the Kilrush Road, Ennis.
The main functions of Clare Education Support Centre include a requirement to support the in-service needs of the state and to identify and support locally identified needs. To this end Clare Education Support Centre has a strong tradition in the development and provision of local courses and school based initiatives.
The Centre is part of a group of 21 Full Time Education Centres and nine Centres operating on a Part-time basis supported principally by the Department of Education and Science. In addition to the functions noted above Clare Education Support Centre has, in recent years, been involved in Intercultural Projects with Centres in European Union countries.
Supporting EAL learners: Primary Community of Practice (P)
14-01-2025 7:00 pm - 12-03-2025 8:00 pmOnline via ZoomFree -
Clare Online Infant Support Group - Monthly Meeting (P)
20-01-2025 5:00 pm - 07-04-2025 6:30 pmOnline via ZoomFree -
How to Teach Dyslexics and Struggling Readers Through Structured Literacy (SL) (P)
10-02-2025 7:00 pm - 03-03-2025 8:30 pmOnline via Zoom€10.00 -
Teaching Literacy to Learners with Complex Needs Webinar Series (P) (SNA)
13-02-2025 7:00 pm - 13-03-2025 8:00 pmOnline via ZoomFree -
NEPS Post-Primary Workshop for Post Primary Leaders, Special Education Teachers and Special Class Teachers (PP)
25-02-2025 2:00 pm -3:30 pmFree -
Supporting Struggling Readers: Practical Approaches for the Junior Classes (P)
25-02-2025 7:00 pm -8:00 pmOnline via ZoomFree -
Unlock New Ways of Teaching Irish with the Support of ChatGPT (PP)
25-02-2025 7:00 pm -8:00 pmOnline via ZoomFree -
Restorative Practices - The 3 Keys (or 3 E’s) of Fairness (EY) (P) (PP) (SNA)
25-02-2025 7:00 pm -8:00 pmOnline via ZoomFree -
Primary Reading Simplified: Theory into Practice (P)
26-02-2025 7:00 pm - 19-03-2025 8:00 pmOnline via ZoomFree