The Meaningful Movement Project 2022-2023
Project title: Meaningful Movement: A Physical Education Professional Learning Community
Partners: Clare Education Centre (Martin Moloney) and PE Team MIC (Richard Bowles, Déirdre Ní Chróinín)
Physical Education is an integral part of Well-being promotion in our schools.
Clare Education Centre in association with the PE Department from Mary Immaculate College is seeking expressions of interest from Clare Primary Teachers interested in Physical Education to participate in a project focusing on Meaningful PE. This innovative project will involve the establishment of a Professional Learning Community to help teachers learn about and implement ideas related to Meaningful PE.
This project will be of particular interest to teachers in middle and senior classes and to school leaders with an interest in/responsibility for leading PE in their schools. Participation in this project may also be of interest to teachers in schools working towards the Active School Flag or teachers interested in PE who are teaching in schools that have prioritised PE for School Self Evaluation.
To register your interest, please complete the following 'Expression of Interest Form' HERE.