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NEPS Incredible Years Programme 2022-2023

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NEPS Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Programme 2022-2023

NEPS is offering the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Training Programme to teachers in DEIS schools in the school year 2022-2023.  Application Form to be completed by Teachers interested in attending the IYTCM Programme.  CLICK HERE to complete the Expression of Interest Form (Closing date Monday, 10th October).

Download flyer HERE
Download the Information Sheet HERE

How to apply
Complete the Expression of Interest Form HERE (Closing date Monday, 10th October).   You will be notified if your receive a place and priority will be given to Teachers in Schools new to DEIS.

Workshop Details 

The course will run from 9am to 3pm on each of the days.

Facilitators: Dr. Orla Murphy & Dr. Richard Egan

Workshop 1 Wednesday, 19 October 2022, 9am to 3pm
Workshop 2 Wednesday,  16 November 20229am to 3pm
Workshop 3 Wednesday, 7 December 20229am to 3pm
Workshop 4 Wednesday,  11 January 20239am to 3pm
Workshop 5 Wednesday, 15 February 20239am to 3pm
Workshop 6 Wednesday, 22 March 20239am to 3pm

Please note
Attendance at all 6 workshops is required for certification. We understand that at times schools may experience difficulties securing substitute cover. We would ask that principals make contingency arrangements to allow teachers to continue to attend in such situations. Schools may also wish consider the number of teachers they send to ensure such contingencies can be managed.

About the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Programme (IYTCM)
The Incredible Years, developed by Dr Carolyn Webster Stratton, is a series of programmes for teachers and parents that are designed to reduce challenging behaviours in children and to increase their social, emotional and self-regulation skills. The Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Programme (IYTCM) focuses on strengthening teacher classroom management strategies, improving classroom climate and improving collaborative home-school relationships. This leads to an increase in children’s social, emotional and academic competence and reduces classroom aggression and disruptive behaviour. Research, internationally and in Ireland, supports the effectiveness of the programme in significantly improving child behaviour, classroom environment and building teacher skill and confidence.  NEPS is offering Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Training programmes to teachers in DEIS schools in the school year 2022-2023.

What does the training cover?
Teachers attend 6 full-day workshops spaced approximately one month apart.  The programme follows a collaborative model of training that makes extensive use of teacher discussion, role play, review of vignettes showing teachers in real classrooms and guidance on the development of behaviour plans for individual children.  Between sessions, teachers are expected to practise the new skills and concepts in their own classrooms, reflect on and share experiences at the next session, further develop and implement their behaviour plans for individual children and complete assigned reading from the text ‘Incredible Teachers’.  Throughout the programme, teachers are supported to set and monitor goals for themselves, as well as for the children they teach, and to help each other to achieve their goals. The topics covered across the six workshops are:

  • Building Positive Relationships with Students
  • Preventing Problems & Being a Proactive Teacher
  • Using Positive Attention, Encouragement & Praise
  • Motivating Children through Effective Use of Incentives
  • Proactive Discipline to Decreasing Inappropriate Behaviours
  • Building Children’s Social and Emotional Competence

Who should attend?
Class Teachers, Special Education Teachers and Principals will all benefit from attending this training. Schools should, as far as possible, facilitate a minimum of two teachers attending a programme and can nominate up to 6/8 teachers per programme. Ideally schools should develop a plan to have all staff trained with priority given to
class teachers from lower primary classes.

The Department of Education and Skills will cover the cost of teacher substitution, refreshments/ lunch and course materials for teachers in DEIS schools.  This will include the core text ‘Incredible Teachers’ and all workshop handouts.
*teachers travel expensesare not covered. 

For further information on the IY programmes visit