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BLAST - Bringing Live Arts To Students And Teachers 2023

The Department of Education is announcing the launch of the 2023 Arts-in-Education BLAST Residency Programme, which will enable up to 425 new Arts-in-Education Residencies in schools each year.

This initiative aims to support the integration of the principles and key skills outlined in the Arts in Education Charter and the Creative Ireland Programme (2023-2027), Pillar 1 Creative Youth.

The aim of this scheme is to give pupils in schools all over the country the opportunity to work with a professional artist on unique projects to be originated and planned between the artist, the teacher and the school under the  coordination of the Education Support Centres Ireland ESCI network of 21 full-time education support centres. This initiative supports children and young people for the future, where skills like the ability to connect and collaborate with others, engage in creative and critical thinking and practice inclusivity at every level will be paramount to peace, stability, sustainable economic growth and equality. 

The artist’s fee is €1,100 per residency with up to €200 of that allocated to travel costs for the artist. This is funded by the Department of Education via each education support centre.

BLAST & TWP+ Video: 

Please see the following link for more details: Guidelines

Download an application form here: Application Form  

Completed applications must include the following and should be sent to the local full-time Teacher Education Support Centre. Please email completed applications to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guidelines for Application:
Completed applications must include

  • completed general information section.
  • A completed application section outlining the following information:
    ~ Theme of the project,
    ~ Rationale for application,
    ~ Benefits to teaching and learning,
    ~ Capacity and commitment
    ~ Children and young peoples voice.
  • Please also indicate the planned time-frame schedule and planned method of documentation for the project.

Applications will open on 23rd March 2023.The closing date is 19th May 2023.

Any queries, please contact Áine on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or email Arts in Education Administration This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

This initiative will be supported by the ESCI education support centre network, Teacher Artist Partnership CPD  programme, Arts in Junior Cycle, NAPD Creative Engagement Programme and the Arts in Education Portal.

Clare's Register Of Approved Artists

Artist Name Art Form Artist Link
Nathalie El Baba Visual
John Lillis Music
Zara Starr Madden Youth Theatre, Creative Mindfulness, Kids Yoga
Brian Fleming Drummer, Theatre Maker & Festival Director
Rachel MacManus Visual Artist
Ruth Wood Visual Artist
Carmel Madigan Visual Artist
Éanna Byrt  Oil Painter
Lynn Kenny Visual Artist
Gene Clohessy Visual Artist