Post Primary My FRIENDS Youth Programme 2023/24
Complete the Expression of Interest Form HERE (Closing date 25th October 2023)
Dates: Tuesday, 14 November, Tuesday, 21 November and Wednesday, 6 December 2023
Times: 2.30pm to 5pm
Venue: Online via Zoom
My FRIENDS Youth is a comprehensive curriculum that empowers young people with the necessary tools to overcome life challenges, in positive ways. The skills learnt empower young people to deal with stressful situations by normalising the state of anxiety and teaching self-regulation.
The FRIENDS programmes are evidence-based anxiety prevention and resilience building programmes, which consist of 10 to 12 sessions and complement the JCT Wellbeing Programme and can be used as part of the 400 hours. The programme can be run by teachers as a whole class programme, or as a small group intervention. They aim to promote resilience in students by teaching strategies to cope with normal everyday challenges, including worry, stress, change and anxiety. More information can be found on:
Full attendance at all sessions is compulsory for certification purposes.
- There is no cost for training.
- After training, the cost of the Activity Book is €10 (current exchange rate). Each student must have their own, original Activity Book.
- The Facilitator Manual is between €12- €50 (depending on the book format: printed or PDF) which is available after training from FRIENDS Resilience. One Facilitator Manual must be available to the teacher delivering the programme.
- Only teachers registered as Certified Facilitators with FRIENDS Resilience can order books and access resources (posters, videos, links) for running the programmes in their classrooms. They order books through their online FRIENDS Resilience Hub (details of which they receive at training) and receive additional free resources following book purchase.