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Training: Student Support Teams in Post Primary Establishing or Reviewing an Existing Team 2023-24

Complete the EOI HERE (Closing date 27th October 2023) 

Aimed at: School Leaders and existing/potential members of the SST, e.g., SETs, Guidance Counsellors, Year Heads, HSCL

Dates: 15/11/23, 17/01/24, 06/03/24
Times: 2:00 to 3:30pm.
Duration: Three 1.5 hour core sessions ONLINE, with individual follow up school visits
What is a Student Support Team?
Student Support Team (SST) is the overarching team providing for the welfare and wellbeing of all students. It is a mechanism through which many of the existing student supports are co-ordinated and planned. While similar to a care team, an SST has a broader remit that includes not only ensuring that individual students are supported, but also that key whole-school approaches are in place to promote the wellbeing of all students. An effectively running SST helps ensure that no student ‘slips through the cracks’, while also providing clear systems and structures for smooth running of the support systems in the school. More information about Student Support Teams is available on the DE website/NEPS resources and publications.

What will be involved in the cluster group sessions?
The aim of the group consultation cluster session is to provide a network of communication and support for members of SSTs to address issues and answer questions and thereby facilitate school staff to share ideas and exchange information around the development of their SST systems. The cluster group setting is a confidential setting to discuss practice issues, where individual students are not discussed. The sessions will guide you through an SST workbook. There will be 3 sessions in total, with tasks to follow up on in each session. It is extremely important that a member of the school leadership team attends all sessions. Where a school has an assigned NEPS psychologist, the psychologist will follow up on the Workbook sessions with a school visit:

More information about Student Support Teams is available on the DE website/NEPS resources and publications.

Course participants will gain further insight into how SST works, SST procedures and improving communication and structures in school.