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The Fís Film Competition

Calling all primary and special school teachers! 

Have you got some budding actors, animators and film-makers in your class? Would you like an exciting cross-curricular creative project to engage your pupils in term 3? Then why not enter our Fís Film Project Competition? This competition is open to all class levels and entries can be submitted online. 
Here is what you need to do: 
  • Watch some previous entries for some inspiration. 
  • The film can be on any topic of your choice, but if you would like some inspiration, Climate and Sustainability is an optional topic for this year. 
  • Try to celebrate the skills and talents of your class in your entry!  
  • Create an original short film that is a maximum of 5 minutes in length (excluding credits). 
  • Entries are welcome in English agus trí Ghaeilge chomh maith. 
  • Entries must be submitted on 28th June 2024 by 5pm sharp. No late entries will be accepted. 
  • It is essential that you adhere to copyright when selecting resources to use in your film. Our webinar linked below offers some suggestions for sourcing appropriate content.  
In case you missed it, you can watch our Fís Film Project webinar here: Fis and Digital Storytelling in the Primary Classroom on Vimeo 
Here is the website for entries: Competition - FÍS Film Project ( Here you can find resources and support to help you get started.
We can’t wait to see what you create! 
The Fís Film Team

2024 fis infographic for promo