Using Booklets to Teach the DBQ: Dictatorship and Democracy 1920-1945 (PP)
DATE: Thursday, 3rd October 2024
TIME: 7pm - 8pm
VENUE: Online Via Zoom
Target Audience: Post Primary History Teachers
In this webinar Lee will explicitly outline the creation and implementation of using booklets as a tool to efficiently structure and teach the Document Based Questions for Dictatorship and Democracy in the LC. History classroom.
Throughout the session Lee will discuss how the adaptation of using ‘SLOP Booklets’ have hugely reduced his workload in the long-term and more importantly enabled him to think deeply about pedagogical and content knowledge/sequence in History which has vastly improved student academic outcomes in his classroom.
The overarching aim of the session is to demonstrate a switch in teacher mentality from ‘resources’ to ‘learning sequences’ and how booklets can support teachers developing powerful learning sequences which contributed to increased student attainment in the History classroom.
Lee will also discuss the benefits he has experienced from switching to a booklets to support planning of his lessons. These benefits include reduced teacher workload in the long-term, standardised quality of learning sequences for students, teacher thinking is now focused on developing high quality curriculums rather than individual resources, teacher planning is now focused on explanations and checking for understanding rather than the creation of individual resources and gathering of data in lessons is more efficient as the format of student work has been standardised.
Bio of Presenter: Lee O' Donnell
Lee O’Donnell is a teacher of Geography & History at Woodbrook College in Wicklow. He is the Author of ‘The Natural World’ LC Geography book with Edco. Additionally, Lee is the co-author of a Junior Cycle History Book. Geography/History Methodology Lecturer at University College Dublin. LC History content creator for Exam Revision. Host of the Leaving Certificate revision podcast ‘Skin in the Game’. Additionally, he holds an Assistant Principal II post in his school.
Course Properties
Course date | 03-10-2024 7:00 pm |
End Date | 03-10-2024 8:00 pm |
Capacity | 1000 |
Fee | Free |
Tutor - Speaker | Lee O’Donnell |
Select Hours | 1 |
Location | Online via Zoom |
Course Full